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Here are some suggestions and words of advice from a variety of cooks…


  • How to make buttermilk:  Put 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar in a measuring cup.  Add milk to come to 1 cup line.  Let stand 5 minutes, stir well and use.
  • When cooking or baking (but not whipping) you can substitute ¾ cup milk and 1/3 cup butter for heavy cream.
  • Brush egg white on hot baked pie crust for a glossy finish.
  • Put bread crumbs, graham cracker crumbs, or cookie crumbs on bottom of raw crust when baking a two crust pie to keep the bottom crust from becoming soggy.
  • Eggs that are at least a week old peel much easier than fresh eggs.
  • When replacing fresh herbs with dried, the ratio for measuring is 1 to 3.